There was however, one particular program which became the exception that proved my Dad's rule... The Invaders.
Released in 1967 the story opens with an Architect, David Vincent, played by Actor, Roy Thinnes, witnessing the landing of an alien craft when he stops to rest on a long car journey. The Invaders hardly had an original plot, (aliens are coming to take over the World); and yet Vincent's attempts to convince a disbelieving Humanity that these creatures were among us somehow appealed to my Dad and, as an avid Fan of the Sci-Fi genre myself, I enjoyed watching it together with him; and always being fascinated by the way the Aliens, who had adapted to look like humans, nonetheless incinerated when they died!
So my heartstrings suddenly got tugged this morning when I saw that Amazon were selling the box set on offer. I've never purchased anything so fast in all my life!
Dad is in the celestial realms himself now, but somehow I know he will be with me when I sit down to watch that eerie opening scene for the first time in so many years.
And you all keep watching the skies. They are out there.
And may already be among us...